Wellth for Women

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No More Playing Small in 2023

As our beautiful world continues to whirl around on its axis, women continue to be shuffled to the corners as not to “fall off the edge”. It’s assumed that we are so small we could go flying off the face of the planet itself. Oh, if they only knew our giant spirits have been making giant strides across the globe expanding our dreams, our confidence, and our expectations. We are not small things barely hanging on for the ride but are instead grounded, changemakers that were built for the ebbs and flows. And most importantly have outgrown the gates that have been keeping us from reaching beyond the stars to the heavens.

As poetic as it sounds, it’s true. We as individuals, and as a tribe, have surged past the outdated barriers that were intentionally placed to hold us back. We are done playing “small” to fit inside the palms of others to puppeteer and are beyond ready to be recognized for our actual size - our competency, worth, determination, brilliance, braveness, strength, and our ability to be equally Wellthy.

We Will Ask for What We Need

Playing small keeps our needs at bay for only us to figure out the solution. When we play big we ask for the tools we need to build, the sustenance we need to grow, and the confidence we need to surpass all self-driven expectations.

We Will Say What We Really Think

By holding back our opinions, input, or ideas we hurt everyone including ourselves. Connecting to our voice and the power of being heard and seen for who we truly are is the first step in demanding equal respect for those same shared thoughts. If we carry shame or embarrassment we give others the permission to dismiss and demean us.

We Will Hold People Accountable

Keeping others besides ourselves true to their word is not harsh, it’s the future of a fair reality. Don’t back down to your fear of being assertive.

We Will Not Sacrifice

We will no longer play small enough to stay in a Barbie-sized box. Instead, we will create lifestyles we love without sacrificing our bodies, minds, or spirits. Boundaries with ourselves and others is our reconnect to a world where we can have it all.

This year and every year, I challenge women across the world to join together in raising one another up, support our sisters, and encourage us all to play big in every capacity. No more bending to the whims, needs, and judgements of others… who’s in?!

#Nomoreplayingsmall #PlayBigChallenge #WellthforWomen