What Real Wellth is all About

As a woman of today, I feel progress happening all around us; slowly but surely we seem to be making ground against the double edged sword that is simply being female.

Since the beginning of time we have lived dueling expectations while facing criticism and loads of control heavy enough to have weighed us down for centuries. But it’s not the dawn of time any longer; civilization has been inching women forward through the work we have put into the fight for freedom, equality, and our ability to attain real Wellth.

But what is real Wellth?


Wellth is not only discovering our purpose, passion, and mission but having the tools to live them out. While there are still plenty of others who would like us to continue to “play small” in an advancing society, we not only have the right to live our joy everyday, but should be able to expand our level of fulfillment with equal access to resources, training, education, opportunity, and support.

When we have full access to work steadfast in our passion, we connect with a higher quality of life. Our daily habits improve, our confidence flourishes, we feel happier… more complete, and we begin to scale our goals to achieve more. Real Wellth connects you with others that will teach, guide, and empower you in finding your life’s work and inner joy, no matter how many times your purpose changes.


Gone are the days that we look to our significant others to maintain the household income and provide little, to nothing else. We are building towards equal income levels and provider status so we, as women, can be financially independent with the power of choice in our pocketbooks.

No longer will money define our choices when it comes to our own wellbeing, happiness, and ability to succeed.

Real Wellth is establishing financial independence. Though this doesn’t mean you can’t be an equal partner with your partner but it does mean you can stand on your own two feet no matter what life brings you. Removing the anxiety of not having enough funds to live off of allows us to focus on the quality of our work, relationships, enjoyment, and health.

Abundance also comes in the form of time - something we all could use more of.

Though we cannot physically add hours to the day, we gain control over how we spend our time when we learn to outsource tasks we don’t love or aren’t gifted at to our specially curated team members. This, of course, frees up existing time to prioritize your passion and your person. They say time is money but it’s also happiness. How do you want to spend yours? In struggle? Or in strength?


Women especially find power in reconnecting with their emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual strength.

Looking at the most literal strength as physical and mental health - it’s something most women sacrifice when trying to climb the ladder of success. It’s something we put off “for later” but never find the time to return back to. But why should we shave years of our life off with stress, lack of nutrition, or self-care? Shouldn’t we get to live long, healthy lives to enjoy the fruits of our labor?

Of course we should. Real Wellth is growth without sacrifice. No more back-burner placement when it comes to taking care of yourself, your relationships, or your faith. It’s about striking a sense of balance in your life so you aren’t always running on empty… you get to re-fuel the tank on a regular basis so you continue to make the climb.


No More Playing Small in 2023


You Were Born Worthy