Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Managing Your World While Taking Care of Yourself
Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women worldwide, with over 2 million new cases diagnosed in 2018 alone. Breast Cancer Awareness Month aims to reduce the prevalence of the disease by raising awareness, promoting early detection and treatment, and providing support for patients and their families. As a professional woman, the journey through breast cancer can be physically, emotionally, and financially draining, but it's essential to find support and take care of yourself during this time.
Unleashing the Power Within: The Benefits of Weight Training for Women
Women hold just as much potential in the weight room as men do, and incorporating strength training into your fitness routine can lead to a healthier, more fulfilled life. Whether you're a stay-at-home mom, a busy executive, or a college student, discovering the health benefits of weight training will give you the power within to achieve your goals and improve your overall well-being.
Breaking the Stigma around Women's Mental Health
It's time to address the silence surrounding mental health and wellness in a female-focused way. Society has kept these issues hidden for too long, leading to a society that feels ashamed to speak up. But we can change that by starting the conversation.
Imagine a diverse group of individuals gathered together, discussing their stories, thoughts, and opinions about mental health and wellness. Each person represents a different background and culture, but they are all connected by their desire to break the stigma.
Navigating Negotiations for Better Pricing
As women, we often face societal pressure to be polite, to not make a fuss, to accept whatever deal is offered to us. But why should we settle for less when we know our worth and the value of our hard-earned money?
Recently, I had the opportunity to negotiate with a major Marketing and CRM platform. They initially asked for $900 a month, but I knew that was more than I could afford. Instead of caving in and accepting their offer, I stood in my power and asked the salesperson what the bottom line was. When he asked me what number I had in mind, I didn't shy away. Instead, I confidently told him that I wanted to hear his first.
Overcoming Health Scares: How to Persevere as a Powerful Woman
As a woman with a lot of medical scares, I can attest to just how daunting it can be to think about how to move forward in both business and everyday life. It’s taken years to learn how to not let the fear and uncertainty stop me from achieving my goals. Years of counseling and resetting my lifestyle balance to ensure that I am getting enough movement, meditation, water, and healthy foods during the work day are finally paying off. You want to know how I know? Because I am saying NO much more often and it feels so right!
DIY Market Research
Embarking on your own market research journey is a powerful way to gain profound insights into your target audience and make informed decisions on how to reach them.
Behind the Curtain: Getting to Know Your Idols
Have you ever looked up to someone in your community, only to find out later that they weren't who you thought they were? We all have our idols, but do we really know them? It's easy to be taken in by the charismatic personality, attractive aesthetics, or innovative techniques of someone we admire, but is there more to the story? In this blog post, we will explore the cautionary tale of getting to know your idols beyond their image. We will dive into what it means to really understand the people we look up to and why it's important.
We All Deserve Better | The Many Benefits of Self-Care
As a busy woman, you find yourself juggling many roles and responsibilities. Whether you're a full-time professional, business owner, a dedicated mother, or all the above, it's easy to become overwhelmed with your commitments. However, in the midst of your busy lifestyle, it's essential to prioritize your mental health and well-being by engaging in self-care activities. In this blog post, we'll explore the reasons why self-care is vital for your mental health and offer some tips to incorporate self-care into your daily routine.
Staying Happy & Healthy this Summer
Summer is the season when everything feels different. The days are longer, the sun is brighter, and the air is warmer. It’s the perfect time to say “yes” to new adventures and explore new ways and honor all-time favorites to stay happy and healthy. However, it's also a time of year when many people can struggle. The heat can be intense and the busy summer schedule can lead to stress and overwhelm. In this blog post, we’ll be sharing some helpful tips and tricks on how to stay healthy and happy during summer. Whether you’re a busy female business owner, a working professional or someone who just wants to make the most of the season, we hope this will inspire you.
How to Rise Above the Quitters
Whether it's a boss who doesn't give us the recognition we deserve, a team member or partner who decides to walk away, it can be difficult to face these challenges on our own. But as women, we were born with the strength to not only endure, but overcome. We have the power to rise above.
Goodbye Validation, Hello Self-Assurance
Society has conditioned women to determine their value through the validation of others - be it from friends, family, or even strangers. We are constantly seeking approval in the way we look, dress, behave, and the roles we play in society. But have we ever truly stopped and questioned why we do this?
No More Playing Small in 2023
When we play big we ask for the tools we need to build, the sustenance we need to grow, and the confidence we need to surpass all self-driven expectations.
What Real Wellth is all About
Fulfillment. Abundance. Strength. No longer will money define our choices when it comes to our own wellbeing, happiness, and ability to succeed.
You Were Born Worthy
We are all born and continue to be worthy by just merely existing and living our everyday lives. It takes active work to reprogram our belief system and esteem to accept the fact that we are always worthy.
Ways to Invest in Yourself this Year
Investing in yourself is one of the most authentic forms of self-love you can show yourself consistently. But how do you choose what to invest in?